There was a low rumble, then a booming explosion followed by a flash of purple and blue lights that made the citizens of Maverick City's heads turn up into the sky.
Then, silence, nothing... Until something hit the corner of a high building, erupting into a shower of granite dust and glass.
And then finally; Something hit the street two blocks away from the initial impact, exploding like a minor comet. A pillar of shattered asphalt, concrete, and metal shooting up with the force of the impact.
There was immediate chaos; cars driving into each other and piling up at the lip of a smoldering crater, people screaming, running; calling for law enforcement and heroes to deal with what they all assumed was a comet of some form. But in the middle of all the smoke and dust, there was movement, someone getting shakily to their feet, and coughing.
It seemed Antares was weak, whatever happened had hurt them badly. Though it was obvious they wherent from this world, so how come they are here? "No mountain, just an alias." Dorn grunted a bit, the old mountain he remember from his past was long gone, but the name followed. "I guess yer hurt and not used to this plane. We should get ye to hospital. Yer okay with that?" He looked at Antares, reaching out a large hand to help him up.