There was a low rumble, then a booming explosion followed by a flash of purple and blue lights that made the citizens of Maverick City's heads turn up into the sky.
Then, silence, nothing... Until something hit the corner of a high building, erupting into a shower of granite dust and glass.
And then finally; Something hit the street two blocks away from the initial impact, exploding like a minor comet. A pillar of shattered asphalt, concrete, and metal shooting up with the force of the impact.
There was immediate chaos; cars driving into each other and piling up at the lip of a smoldering crater, people screaming, running; calling for law enforcement and heroes to deal with what they all assumed was a comet of some form. But in the middle of all the smoke and dust, there was movement, someone getting shakily to their feet, and coughing.
It seemed Antares was weak, whatever happened had hurt them badly. Though it was obvious they wherent from this world, so how come they are here? "No mountain, just an alias." Dorn grunted a bit, the old mountain he remember from his past was long gone, but the name followed. "I guess yer hurt and not used to this plane. We should get ye to hospital. Yer okay with that?" He looked at Antares, reaching out a large hand to help him up.
Antares tensed as he could feel waves of emotions and thoughts pass between the individuals around him, they were loud, worried, afraid. It agitated his still battle ready core.
What was the last thing he remembered? The current brain he had access too was not advanced enough to comprehend. The light, the flashing darkness forming and edge and a burning.
As the people surrounding the crater started backing off Antares' shoulders sagged a little and the eyes around him slowly closed and disappeared. He turned towards Dorn.
"King of what mountain?" He asked as his knees gave out and he sat down on the ground with a thud. Confused he looked at his legs. "This body is having issues with adjusting to our current dimensional configuration."
Aye, this lad is not off this world. Dorn could only compare this being to an wounded animal, confused and bearing teeth in defense. And they where hurt, if the blue liquid was something to judge by. Realizing that police started to surround the area, agents and what not, did Dorn slowly grab his walkie-talkie at his belt. "Manfred, I have a wounded outer being here. Can you contact police and authority to not engage, I don't want them to anything dumb." A confused Manfred replied but Dorn slowly put down the walkie-talkie at his waist again. He looked at the being, that presented themselves as Antares, and Dorn nodded. "Well met Antares. I'm the Mountain King." He replied and walked slowly, hands up front. "How yer feeling son? I have medicines and first aid, but not sure if its any good for ye. So ye can relax, won't hert ye."
"Earth." The person stated calmly, as if entering data onto a sheet of paper.
His eyes flickered in a myriad of colours, shapes passing over their surface for a split second.
"Three dimensional." He said and for the first time his face showed more than a blank expression; surprise, mortification.
Raising one hand he looked at it for a short while.
"64% of my oversouls incinerated on impact. 28% are not compatible with the structural integrity of three dimensional worlds."
As if the realization was enough for his body to catch up a dark blue liquid suddenly poured out of his nose, splattering onto the ground where it started smoking and fizzling immediately. His body swayed a bit, as if he was on the verge of falling over.
"I am Antares." He half-whispered. There was a choir of surprised cries from the various law enforcments, government agents and emergency personell surrounding the site, and in a moment of instinct Antares half-turned towards the source of the sound; space seemed to bend around him, as if his body was not fully in this world, and something huge was pressing up against earths reality like a hand against a plastic sheet. Several more eyes opened up in the air around him, glowing with power and ready to seemingly fire at the humans.
The presence of a threat was still lingering, but less so, as the person spoke. This time it was in words that Dorn could understand, and it made him squint his eyes a bit.
"By my beard, yer far from this place, aren't ye lad?" He said, still holding up his hands calmly. It was rare, but not unheard of, with people from other planets, even other dimensions; Dorn still remember fondly one person that had come to this world from another and become a good friend.
But just like any person here, are there those that pose a great danger and you never knew what they really wanted.
"This is Earth, also called Tellus." Dorn answered the question, frowning. "And what 'dimensional rung' we are on, I do not know. If you mean the year, its 2021 here." Unsure about this person, did Dorn shoot back a question. "And who are ye, my traveling friend, and why are ye here?"
The person did not take his gaze off Dorn, but his huge ears twitched a few times at the words.
There was a low, low rumbling feeling in the air for a few moments.
"What designation does this world carry?" He asked suddenly, his voice smooth, still ringing in an inhuman way that made the dust around them swirl. "What dimensional rung are we currently on?"
With the dust clear could Dorn see the person; an odd looking fella that by all means in his mind was a Powerborn. For many moons have he walked on earth and heard a lot of languages, but nothing was like this. it grated at his soul and felt the faint smell of iron in his nose; the effect was surprisingly strong on Dorn that was already very sensitive for vibration and such. Whatever kind of foul language it was, did it hurt. Though he was an professional, and raised his hands slightly. "Yer foreigner? Should I help ye to the migration center? Need hospital? Were ye attacked?" He asked slowly as he got the feeling the person didn't fully understand him. Though the pressure he felt from the golden eyes and the man was heavy, this wasn't an ordinary person by any means. Still did he not act, instead held his hands ready to use his powers if needed, depending on how the person would do.
As the Mountain king entered the scene the person in the dustcloud muttered a few words, a language that no one on earth would understand; the words themselves seemed to vibrate and change in frequency in a way that could give you a nosebleed.
Suddenly the dust was pushed down by the dwarfs power; revealing a humanoid creature with a lithe body, its dark skin was covered in white and gold circular tattoos, the hair blue-black hair reaching its shoulders and a pair of huge, animal like ears sticking up out of the head. It seemed to be dressed in some form of form fitting armor, but the material shifted and almost seemed to glitch in and out of view as it moved.
It turned its golden eyes towards the newcomer as soon as the dust cleared, looking at the dwarf as if it couldn't quite understand what it was looking at.
It said something in the same otherworldly language and suddenly the air above its shoulders seemed to buckle and bend as a pair of huge golden eyes opened up there; glowing and humming with some internal energy. The feeling of a weapon of some sort being aimed at Dorn.
Driving along the heavy traffic was a truck. At first glance would you instantly know it was a heroes truck, with the SilverPeak logo and name on the side. On active duty was the truck an mobile base constant on the move.
In it where a crew of driver and technicians, handling radar and communication as the head of the SilverPeak, Dorn Berg, was simply inept to use it. Though the old hero knew the importance of the technology and relied on his sidekicks and underlings to use it.
"There have been an impact of sort! Unknown what caused it. Major collateral damage and multiple casulties!" Manfred reported as Dorn fixed his helm on to his head. "Do ye know where?" "St:Narek 5th Street. We are there in 2 minutes." Dorn grumbled a bit as he pulled on his gloves. "Prepare the launcher. I will go in first and asset the situation." He declared and placed himself on the circle in the middle of the truck. Arms from the roof grabbed the short man and pulled him up into something that was nothing but a tube. Machinery worked around him, secured and then, with violent force launched him from the truck and into the air. A glorious projectile of a dwarf that flew above cars and people running, and as they descent, did they raise an arm and dust gathered to halt the speed before he landed on his feet, sliding a few meters. "The Mountain King!" Someone shouted as Dorn grunted. "Get out of here boi!" He squinted towards the dust, there was someone there. He raised his hands and press them down, like if he pushed something down and the dust around simply pressed down to the ground, giving clear sight. "Who is there, are ye hurt?"