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Name: Michael Cromwyll
Alias: The magician As super villain: Dr faust, the pactmaker, Mephistopheles,
Gender: Male
Age: looks like 25-35 maybe
Group: The Cromwyll corporation the cromwyll corporation is the business empire built by well the family they seem to have a finger in everything from the food and clothing industry up to military contracts. and research facilities. They also have quite a few heros working for them that are either retired or just want a big paycheck.
Personality: Noble. Everything about Michael from his elegant attire to his aristocratic features boldly announce his heritage and upbringing. Raised as the scion of the Cromwyll Clan, Michael is versed in all manner of business relations, politics and leadership. As a child he was subjected to brutal, even harsh training regiments and was demanded to exceed them for his grandfather expected no less. While his father journeyed far and wide around the world on business, the grandfather would shoulder the burden of rearing his grandson into a proper and productive member of society,
Despite the hardships, Michael not only rose to the challenge but thrived in it. He possesses a rare thirst for knowledge that is insatiable, taking to his instruction with a zeal that left even his grandfather inwardly amazed. He studied everything he could get his hands on; the sciences, biology, engineering, and the creative arts of self expression such as music, poetry and philosophy. He absorbed all that he could find and more.
Yet he is a noble. Such upbringing when combined with his genius have made Michael supremely confident in himself and his abilities. His tone, while eloquent can often come off as condescending and snobbish. His respect is difficult to earn and he is slow to trust. These features however when wrapped together to form the persona that is Michael give him a natural charisma. People look to him because he is confident, they respect his authority because he is commanding and decisive, and they value his opinion for he displays a rare intellect.
His reasons for fighting, for pushing beyond the limits be it himself or the sciences he studies are difficult to ascertain. He performs these tasks with such stoicism its a wonder why he does them at all. At first glance the answer appears simple; pride. Pride would demand nothing less than his best, and that he put to use the skills he was graced with. The other reason is that he enjoys pushing himself to the limits and beyond and have a thirst for knowledge and learning. This thirst however often take him into the gray area of whats right and wrong something that he hides well.
never once will he turn his back to those too weak to defend themselves against the strong. He is few of friends, but protects and guards those around him fiercely, exacting retribution upon those who sought to harm them. Though he sheds no tears for those who perish under his employment, he holds himself responsible and endeavors to ensure that they are properly laid to rest and their killers put to justice. He can be relentless, and uncompromising in his ideals, but shows a profound level of empathy for those he protects and fights against, grasping their ideology like a fellow brother. Even when he cuts them down with his words and and shatters their pride with his weapons and abilities., there is no hatred, but understanding.
Despite all this he also got a softer gentler more casual side that enjoys relaxing and just having fun. His grandfather after all taught him that its important to take a break once in a while.
Villain persona: When using his villain persona he is more ruthless and seems more emotionless cold and calculating albeit under the surface his thirst for knowledge and wish to push himself to the limit remains and those who work closely to him know he does care for his workers. ironically this persona actually helped decreasing the more violent crimes in the cities he uses it in. Its also in this persona he kinda do the research and such that can be considered a grey area between good and evil
Ignore the scar on the picture. Michael stands at six feet and eight inches, but weighing in at 140lbs. He is exceptionally strong; looking athletic and compact with wiry muscles, honed to their perfection. He is possessed of angular features and striking high cheekbones. He has shoulder long wavy hair. that and his green eyes along with his extravagant clothing have caused more then one woman to fall for his charm.
The first thing a person usually notice about Michael is his extravagant clothing.
On top of his normal clothes he wears a long deep purplish jacket which have gold stripes running vertically along it and has 3 small gold buttons at his waist. The collar of the jacket has thin lines of gold trimming it on the inside. In Front of that gold is what look like a leafy Ivey pattern also in gold. Just below the the collar of the jacket it has two thin lines of gold that trim around the edges of the jacket near the top also- The outside of the jackets collar appears to be a light blue ribbon like pattern with small spirals in it.
Flowing from the back of the jacket is a deep colored long flowing cape. He also wears a long white scarf losly over it. He also wear a pair of white gloves. he wears a white dress shirt that seems to be made out of silk or similar material, with what appears to be lace going down the front. At the coller of the shirt there is a large ruffle of lace some of which are trimmed in gold color much like the shirts collar. He has a light bluish ribbon tied around his neck in a bow making it look like a tie. In the center of the bow is a leafy gold setting, in which a large red gem. At the bottom of the gold setting 2 thin gold chains come out and then disappears under the shirts collar. Comparing to his extravagant upper body wear his pants looks rather normal. A pair of black slender/slim pants with a purple belt. The buckle looks like its made of gold in the shape of a spiraly heart with little swirls at the bottom edges
Accessories: He smokes from time to time so a box of cigar can be seen in his pocket with a delicately designed lighter. The thin gold chain on his buckle are actually attached to a beautifully crafted silver Pocket watch with gold patterns on it. Although not possessing any abilities it have great sentimental value to Him.
A mysterious, two meter tall figure who´s silhouette inspire awe and fear. His face always remains hidden by a white mask- it remains featureless uncharacteristic of them with only a pair of sunken in "eyes" visible that are a sort of hi-spec cameras that feeds his brain constant information about things within his field of vision. He wears a large top hat as well as a hood or mask under the blank white mask letting no skin be exposed.
He wears a large duster jacket with a high collar and red inner lining that almost reaches down to the ground stopping above his ankles, underneath he wears a red shirt as well as pants plus a pair of black boots.
Background: Very little is actually known about michael cromwyll himself although there's plenty of history about the cromwyll family itself such as the fact they own property and are well known royalty in many countries.
Contract making: a rather odd and unique power that seem to be partly based in magic. It allows the user to make deals(exchanges) that are binding and cannot be broken. This ability may seem trivial at first glance but its power is also able to make mystical exchanges such as trading intangibles and human attributes. Exchanges can also be made for special powers such as magical/mutations knowledge skills, even a persons soul can be traded away, of course that would kill the one trading their soul away. This power can also grant a pseudo immortality by making trades for another persons youth. The contracts do not always have to be fair. If items are traded the items in the exchange will swap locations into the new owners possession, and can't merely be stolen back. a bit on the difference between knowledge and skills: To make it simple, knowledge is theoretical and skills are practical. You can know all the rules of a sport, know all the teams and all players, know all the statistics, but this only makes you knowledgeable about this sport; it does not make you any good at it. To become good at a sport you must play it, practice its techniques, and improve your skills through experience. You don’t need to know all the teams or all the players to practice a sport and you can easily learn the rules as you play, through trial and error. this is a power that he keeps hidden from everyone due to reasons. Stolen powers: Telekinesis. B-rank [publicly known as his main power as its a common one also a power his evil persona uses.]
Regeneration S-rank [known to only a selected few]
Teleportation A rank [classified knowledge] cloning -B rank (max 3 clones once he end this he get the knowledge the clones gained) [Classified knowledge]
Abilities & Skills
Doctor - having lived for as long as he have he have gotten PhD's in multiple fields this accompanied by the fact he can gain knowledge with the help of his power makes him extremely scary. Expert martial artist/hand to hand combatant: several years of practice and knowledge stolen makes him a very deadly combatant. Genius level intellect: to put it simply about 80% of the phD's he taken he actually gotten on his own this alone should prove the level of intellect he have. he possess immense knowledge and ability to think a head of time. When he plans something he calculate every outcome and make plans for every scenario and backup for those scenarios, Always thinking 5 10 20 moves ahead of his opponent or well attempt to.
Gadgets and Gear.
Public persona: The cane: Lets start with the top of the cane rather flat and round and like the handle with intricate carvings although looking harmless and providing a good grip it hides plenty of secrets. Such as a Red gem that's revealed if a compartment of the handle is flipped up. The handle itself is made out of ebony intricately engraved in beautiful patterns that just looks decorative but inside them are very well concealed mystical carvings. The rest of the cane being metal with intricate carvings further hiding more mystical chnats empowering the wand(handle of the cane. However its hollowed out to hide a blade. 2.5cm(1inch give or take) and 115 cm(45inches) in length blade with two cutting edges specifically made to handle supernatural (magical) creatures and beings. the gems: the gems in his clothing are also magical in nature. the one at his belt is quite simple it allows him to fly it can also extend to a bubble to bring others with him. The one in his tie is more complicated. Among its minior abilities it lets him see things for what they really are, It can also work as a truth detector seeing if someone lies. Its two major abilities however is whats important, the first allows him to create barriers and shields. The other allows him to teleport back to one of 3 preset locations and anyone that touches him as he activate it Evil persona: Clothing: the costume he wears is actually a full suit and would even allow him to breath in space
the mask have a built in oxygen supply and also filters to filtrate out harmful substances and the like to allow him to breath fresh air, the eye sockets as stated in description are a kind o high spec cameras that allow him to see in various spectrums and even have a magical spell that allow him to see residue magic. the belt creates a personal forcefield. it also contains a device that The gloves contain a myriad of weapons such as lasers, various darts, hacking device so on.
Extra Facts -he have during his entire lifetime managed to keep his more dark identity apart from the public persona though hes more of anti hero then a villain -if hes not careful when using the knowledge/powers from another person that he taken, especially if he took more things from them a bit of their personality can come out. - despite being a villian he actually do have rules and standards for example in all territories where his power reach selling drugs to children are punishable by death as is human trafficking, and whilst he cant stop it he also have a hand in prostitution, in short most criminal fear him more then the police. - his biggest achievement is probably that he have managed to hide what his REAL power are from everyone
This character is based of my character zereth zeidukiyo from a one piece site im on that is now inactive sadly so recreated him and his power(devil fruit) here.